The Annual General Meeting of the British Dragon Association will be held at 18.30 on Friday 15th January 2021 via Zoom please see below for the AGM agenda.
Due to the ongoing health issues we are living with, our Annual Dinner unfortunately has had to be be cancelled.
If you wish to attend the meeting please register your interest by emailing BDA Secretary Chris Brittain prior to Thursday 14th January 2021.
Meeting login details and full AGM papers will be issued prior to the meeting to those who have registered.
held via Zoom ON FRIDAY 15th JANUARY 2021 AT 18.30 HOURS
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the last AGM and matters arising.
3. Receive and adopt the accounts for 2020
a. Set subscriptions for 2021
4. Chairman’s report
5. Election of officers:
Chairman: Simon Barter
Vice Chairman: Simon Cash
Hon Treasurer: Bruce Boyd
Hon Secretary: Chris Brittain
6. Gold Cup 2023
7. BDA regattas 2021:
a. South Coasts: Cowes, 12th– 13th June
b. Classics & Vintage: Cowes, 12th– 13th June
c. Scottish Championships, Edinburgh: 4th – 5th July
d. Edinburgh Cup: Edinburgh, 6th – 9th July
e. East Coasts: Ramsgate 18th – 19th September
8. IDA Report
9. Any Other Business.