
Robbe and Berking Sterling Cup

Robbe & Berking Sterling Cup 12mR
Robbe & Berking Sterling Cup 5.5mR & Classic Dragon
from June 7th – 11th 2023

The official Notice of Race for this year’s Robbe and Berking Sterling Cup is now available. Individual Cup races take place on the Flensburg Fjord between the Ochseninseln and Schausende, and are a perfect location for spectators to easily follow the sailing competitions from the shore.

Click here to view and download the NOR and event details.


Wednesday June 7th
14:00 – 19:00 Registration for all boats and support person vessels at the FSC clubhouse
18:30 Beer on the pier
Thursday June 8th
08:00 – 11:00 Registration for all boats and support person vessels at the FSC clubhouse
09:00 Skippers’ meeting for the 12mR class at the terrace in front of the FSC clubhouse
10:30 Skippers’ meeting for classic Dragon class at the terrace in front of FSC Clubhouse
11:30 Warning signal for the first race – 3 races scheduled (12mR
class only)
13:00 Warning signal first race classic Dragon class (inshore course)
16:00 – 19:00 Registration for all boats of the 5.5mR class and support person vessels at the FSC clubhouse
Friday June 9th
09:00 – 10:00 Add. Registration as per 08th June
9:30 Skippers’ meeting for the 5.5mR class at the terrace in front of the FSC clubhouse
11:40 Racing day for all classes. Warning signal for the first race of the 5.5mR class
11:45 Warning signal race of the Classic Dragon class(windward/
19:00 Beech-Party Piratennest Harniskaispitze
Saturday June 10th
Racing day for all classes
19:00 Sterling Night at Robbe & Berking Yard
Sunday June 11th
Racing day for all classes
15:30 Prize-giving Ceremony

CLICK HERE to enter your Dragon and take part in this established European Classic Dragon regatta

The Robbe & Berking Sterling Cup is a regatta series that has been organized annually in late summer since 1995 by the Robbe & Berking group of companies together with the Flensburg Sailing Club (FSC) for classic yachts. The main focus of the sailing classes are the meter classes 12mR, 8mR, 6mR and 5.5mR. But the Dragon class and archipelago cruisers also sail their championships as part of the Sterling Cup.